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Instant Access Complete by Bronco Bookstore, providing students with affordable access to

Instant Access Complete


For any questions that are not answered here please reach out at 1-909-869-2020

View the IAC instructional student walk-through video.

Instance Access Complete Annual Report


  • What is the Instant Access Complete Program?
    • The Instant Access Complete program exists to ensure all Cal Poly Pomona students have all the course materials they need to succeed every semester. One flat charge each semester grants access to the required textbooks/homework systems required for all classes a student is registered.
  • What does Instant Access Complete cost, and how/when do I pay?
    • For the 2024-2025 school year, the charge is:
      $250 per semester for all regularly enrolled undergraduate students taking 7 or more units.
    • $150 per semester for all regularly enrolled undergraduates taking 6 or fewer units and all graduate students.
    • This charge is automatically billed to every registered student’s Bronco account before the semester starts at the same time as other university charges.
    • Your financial aid disbursement may cover the complete charge, but if a balance is due you will make payment either online via Bronco Direct, or to the Student Accounts & Cashiers Office.
  • Will all textbooks be digital under Instant Access Complete?
    • Most materials will be provided digitally.
    • In cases where there is not a digital version available of a required material, or digital delivery is not suitable, physical books will be covered by IAC.
  • How do I access my digital textbooks if I am participating in Instant Access Complete?
    • Canvas will be your “go to” starting point. Look for the “Instant Access Complete” navigation bar in any of your courses.
    • Most digital textbooks and course materials will be automatically provided via Canvas whenever possible.

For externally hosted materials links will be provided in Canvas – check your syllabus for instructions on registering for online homework sites.

  • How do I get my print books if I am participating in Instant Access Complete?
        • Come to the 2nd floor of Bronco Bookstore and present your student ID to bookstore staff. They will verify your opted in status, and if you have print books eligible to pick up they will pull those books for you.
  • How can I find out if my textbooks are digital or print format?
    • All of your digital and print textbooks are displayed in your IAC Dashboard/Portal (not your CPP Portal). Each item says whether it is digital or print on the item “tile”.
    • Clicking on the “Instant Access Complete” navigation tab in Canvas takes you to your personalized dashboard.
    • OR, prior to Canvas opening up for the semester:
          • click this link and enter your student ID .  
          • A link to your Student Portal will be emailed to your CPP email address.
          • Open the email and click the link in the message body
  • Will Instant Access Complete allow me to retain access to my course materials after the term ends?
    • For certain materials, yes, for others the access will expire after a set period. Many of the digital textbooks in Bookshelf may be downloaded to a device and read after the term is over by using the Bookshelf app. License duration information can be found in Bookshelf.
    • Digital textbooks that are a part of a homework manager or courseware are only usable for the semester during which they were originally provided; unless otherwise noted by the publisher, access to these materials expires once the term is over.
    • You may also keep any physical textbooks you receive via the IAC program so long as you: 1) stay opted in for the program and 2) stay enrolled for that course. If you opt out of IAC or drop the course, you’ll need to return the books.
  • Is Instant Access Complete mandatory?
    • No, you can choose to opt out of the program each semester.
    • The deadline to opt out is the last day to drop/add classes for the semester.
    • However, if you choose to opt out you will need to purchase your course materials at current retail prices either by special ordering from the Bookstore or from an outlet of your choice.
  • How do I opt out of Instant Access Complete?
    • FROM CANVAS: You will see an ‘Opt Out’ button in your Bookshelf Student Portal or in Canvas. Clicking on that will opt you out of all materials for that semester. OR FROM YOUR IA PORTAL LINK: 1. Go to https://portal.verba.io/pomona2/login and enter your Bronco ID#, confirm you're not a robot and click "Request".
    • This will generate an automated email to your CPP account with a personalized URL. The email will come from no-reply@verbasoftware.com which sometimes gets routed to Junk or spam, so if you don't see it within a couple minutes, check those folders.
    • Open the email and click on the URL, which will take you to your personalized list of course materials.
      • The "Opt Out of Instant Access Complete" button will be in the upper right corner.
      • Click it ONCE to opt out of all materials. (Clicking multiple times can result in you being opted back in).

If you have any trouble opting out, please send an email to FDNIA@CPP.EDU with your student ID in the body of the email and the words "opt out" in the subject line, and we will be happy to take care of it for you/or respond in 48 hours.
Remember, you MUST opt out by the deadline.

  • What can I expect after I opt out?
    • After opting out, you will receive an email confirming that you opted out.
    • You will then need to purchase your textbooks and course materials individually.
    • Access to your digital materials will be revoked after the last day to opt out.
    • You will need to return any print materials you received by no later than the end of the 5th week of the semester. If you do not return them, the replacement cost will be charged to your student account.
    • The Instant Access Complete charge will be reversed on your Bronco student account. Student Accounts & Cashier services will refund any credits due to you after the census date.
  • What is the deadline to opt out of Instant Access Complete?
    • The deadline to opt out of Instant Access Complete the end of the last day to add/drop. The specific date for each semester will be posted to our IAC page and included in emails regarding the program.
  • How do I purchase my digital textbooks if I choose to opt out of Instant Access Complete? 
    • You can purchase your digital textbooks through the Bronco Bookstore or other retailers.
  • How do I purchase my print textbooks if I choose to opt out of Instant Access Complete?
    • You can purchase your print textbooks through the Bronco Bookstore or other retailers. Bronco Bookstore is happy to special order print books on request but we do not stock them in advance.
  • What about lab manuals and readers?
    • Printed lab manuals and readers are included in the Instant Access Complete program if they are required for the course. You may pick them up in person at Bronco Bookstore or have them shipped to you for a nominal shipping fee.
    • If you opt out of IAC you can purchase lab manuals at the regular retail price.
  • If I opt out but change my mind, can I re-enroll in Instant Access Complete?
    • Yes, through the end of Add/Drop period. After the last day passes your choice is final.
  • How do I get help if I have a question about Canvas or accessing an e-book in Bookshelf?
  • Are graduate students part of the Instant Access Complete program?
    • Yes, all post-baccalaureate graduate students are part of the Instant Access Complete program.
  • Will Instant Access Complete affect textbook selection?
    • No, faculty will continue to select the required course materials.
  • What do I do if I need an academic accommodation due to a disability?
    • We work closely with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to ensure students can access materials. If you have questions about accessibility and using digital content or need an academic accommodation please contact the DRC for assistance.
  • How do students benefit from paying the same textbook cost, regardless of major
    • All CPP students pay the same rate for tuition, fees, and health insurance, regardless of major. By modeling the IAC charge after other costs of attendance, this program ensures every student has access to the same academic opportunities, regardless of the field in which they choose to study.
  • Am I required to return my printed textbooks?
    • No, provided you remain opted in to Instant Access Complete, required printed textbooks are included and are yours to keep.
    • If you opt out or if you drop any course for which you receive printed textbooks, you are required to return those books by the end of the 5th week of the semester, or pay the replacement cost.
    • The replacement cost for any non-returned physical books that should have been returned because of opting out or dropping a course will be billed to your student account at the beginning of week 6 of the semester.




  • What is the Instant Access Complete Program?
    The Instant Access Complete (IAC) program exists to ensure all Cal Poly Pomona students have all the course materials they need to succeed every semester. One flat subscription charge each semester grants access to the required textbooks/homework systems required for all classes a student is registered in. For the 2024-2025 academic year the charge is $250/semester.
  • What are the benefits of Instant Access Complete?
    • IAC provides all students with access to their required course materials before the start of classes, so you can start teaching on day one confident students have their materials
    • Even students who opt out can still access through the add/drop date so they won’t be without materials if they are waiting for delivery from another source.
    • IAC provides our Bronco students and their families with predictable pricing which allows them to budget for their course materials semester to semester.
  • What course materials are included in the program?
    Instant Access Complete will deliver any required course materials with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) as well as course readers/manuals produced on campus. Courseware and online participation management tools such as Perusall, TopHat etc and OER materials are also included, and books/ebooks from smaller companies who might not assign ISBNs.
    Course supplies such as lab coats, goggles, art supplies, scantrons, examination books, etc. are not included in IAC at this time and can be purchased from Bronco Bookstore.
  • Will Instant Access Complete affect textbook selection or academic freedom?
    No. Faculty retain full academic freedom to select required course materials for their courses under Instant Access Complete. Whether you are assigning paid publisher content or free resources, all of your textbooks/materials remain available for adoption. However, the default format for all adoptions will be digital unless no digital option is available. Print copies will be stocked for those adoptions where digital options are not available provided the content is in print and available from the publisher.
  • How do I adopt content?
    There is no change to the current process. You will adopt content through the Collect Adoption tool via the personalized link that is emailed to you. If you do not already have access to Collect or haven’t received your link, you can request access by emailing the Bronco Bookstore Textbook team at textbooks@cpp.edu.
  • I use content from resources other than a textbook publisher, such as Bronco Copy & Mail/Graphics Services, third party software, a library resource, OER, etc. Can I continue to do so?
    Yes. You are free to continue to use the same content as previous terms.
    • For Graphics Services/Bronco Copy & Mail content, there is no change to the current process. You will adopt your content through Connect and we will either provide it digitally via VitalSource or arrange with Graphics to produce print copies. For course readers including copyrighted material we will secure any necessary permissions.
    • For third party software, use the “Comments Field” on the Collect Adoption tool to provide the student link for display in the Bookshelf e-reader that will be seen by the students.
    • For a library resource, use the “Comments Field” on the Collect Adoption tool to list the material being used. If you have the library link, please provide that in the same “Comments Field.” If you do not have the link, please specify that in the comments and the Bronco Bookstore Course Materials team will work with the Library to acquire it.
    • For OER content, use the “Comments Field” on the Collect Adoption tool to provide the free link to the OER content, which will be displayed in the Bookshelf e-reader that will be seen by the students.
  • My Class only uses OER materials, do students still need to pay the subscription charge for my class?
    Likely yes - It depends on what other materials are assigned for your students’ other courses. All students will need to decide what is going to be best for them based on all the classes they are taking, and we will help them look up their a la carte costs so they can make that decision.
    We encourage the adoption of OER because it will help lower the price of Instant Access Complete to all students. We proactively opt out students whose course load consists entirely of courses with no required materials or only OER materials.
  • Digital course materials are not suitable for my course. How can my students participate in this program? Will exceptions be made to accommodate print?
    We realize that a one-size-fits-most model may not meet the needs of every course format, curricula, or mode of instruction. However, providing course materials digitally whenever possible is the best way to meet the program’s goals of automating course materials delivery to students and keeping the program as affordable as possible.
    • In instances when there is a true pedagogical mismatch (not just a preference) where the required course materials are impractical or unfeasible print options can be considered on an individual title by title basis.  
    • Additionally, if adopted titles are out-of-print, old editions or hard-to-find, the program may not be able to provide copies in any format unless copyright permission can be obtained to either print copies with Graphics or upload a digital copy to VitalSource.
    • Faculty who adopt books with newer editions available digitally are strongly encouraged to adopt the current edition. Please contact the program if you wish to review the status of your required course materials textbooks@cpp.edu.
  • How do I get a desk copy?
    This process remains unchanged. You will reach out to your publisher representative to request a desk copy. When you speak to your publisher representative, ask them about the Vital Source Faculty Sampling Service.
  • How do students access digital materials in the Instant Access Complete program?
    • To access the digital content/textbooks for any their course, students simply log in to Canvas with their student credentials and click on the Instant Access Complete navigation option in any of their courses. Here’s a video of the process: https://verbasoftware.wistia.com/medias/fikq3x31cy
    • This will bring up their personalized IAC dashboard showing all their required materials and whether they are print or digital.
    • Depending on the textbook or content type, students may find additional access information about each item by clicking on notes or attachments.
    • Students can pick their print materials up at Bronco Bookstore at the start of the semester, or place an order through the store’s website to request that the book/s be shipped to them for a nominal shipping charge.  
  • Do I need to use Canvas for instruction?
    No. All courses have a Canvas shell created each semester with the “Instant Access Complete” navigation tab enabled. Canvas is a single access point for students to access their course materials. Faculty do not need to use Canvas in an instructional capacity, but the Canvas shell must be published with that navigation tab enabled.
  • Do I have to change how I set up my course?
    If you use publisher proprietary courseware make sure you check with your publisher rep on set-up to ensure students don’t encounter a paywall. Make sure to leave the “Instant Access Complete” navigation tab active, don’t hide it. Courseware pairing instructions from the most commonly used publishers are available on the “Faculty Resources” page of our website.
  • If I cancel my adoption, will my students still get charged?
    Instant Access Complete is a flat-rate, term-level subscription program that covers all required textbooks for every student. The fee is not based on individual classes. Therefore, if you decide to cancel an adoption - or add an adoption  - for your class there is no additional cost or reduction to the student.
  • Can my students opt out? How do they do so?
    Yes, students can choose to opt out each semester. Please view the Student FAQ on the main Instant Access Complete page for complete details on the opt-out process.
  • How do students purchase digital textbooks if they choose to opt out of Instant Access Complete?
    Students can easily purchase individual digital textbooks and other digital course content within their Canvas Bookshelf, at broncobookstore.vitalsource.com or from Bronco Bookstore’s price comparison website.
    For courseware (depending on the platform) students may purchase an access code within Bookshelf or directly through the publisher.
  • How do students purchase print textbooks if they choose to opt out of Instant Access Complete?
    Bronco Bookstore does not stock print copies of materials that are being provided digitally as part of the IAC program in advance but we are happy to special order copies on request. For materials being provided in print as part of IAC, students who opt out can purchase those at the regular retail price. Students can also search for print options from a range of sites on our price comparison/shopping site.
  • Do students participating in Instant Access Complete retain access to their textbooks after a course ends?
    Yes, for certain materials. E-texts that students read in Bookshelf can be downloaded to a device and read after the term is over by using the Bookshelf app. Students may also keep any physical textbooks they receive under Instant Access Complete. E-books that are a part of a homework manager or courseware are only usable for the semester during which they were originally provided; unless otherwise noted, access to these materials expires once the term is over.
  • How do I get help if I have a question about accessing Bookshelf in Canvas for my courses?
    Please reach out to us in the Bronco Bookstore Course Materials Department or contact us via email and a representative will assist you.
  • Where do I go if I'm having trouble with VitalSource?
    If you are having trouble with VitalSource you should visit https://success.vitalsource.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001923213-Instructors for helpful articles and FAQs, or start a support ticket at:   https://support.vitalsource.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Where do I go if I’m having trouble with CengageNow/MindTap/WebAssign?
    If you are having trouble with a Cengage product, please visit https://cengage.force.com/s/login/
  • Where do I go if I'm having trouble with Pearson MyLab, Mastering or Revel?
    If you are having trouble with a Pearson product, please visit Pearson Support (https://support.pearson.com/getsupport/s/contactsupport). On this page, you can search articles to resolve common issues. If you would like to speak to a tech support agent and open a case , choose Contact Us in the upper right corner of the page.